The National Anti-Corruption Committee was established by the foundation conference on Sept. 29, 2010. The conference adopted a statement signed by all the committee members, as well as a committee charter. Committee agencies were also instituted.
Sergei Stepashin was elected as the first chairman.
Purposes of the National Anti-Corruption Committee:
- combine public efforts against corruption;
- provide legal assistance and social protection to the people, public organizations and mass media engaged in anti-corruption activities;
- develop means and methods aimed at a consistent and integral anti-corruption policy;
- prompt the government to step up and regulate anti-corruption activities;
- lay the ground for establishing a public institution responsible for anti-corruption policy;
- review draft laws and effective legal acts to identify conditions conductive to corruption.
The National Anti-Corruption Committee is a public organization open to anyone eager and able to fight corruption whose records will not tarnish its reputation.