MOSCOW, September 4 (RAPSI) – Ex-attorney previously involved in the so-called GTA Gang case Abubakar Manayev has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for attempted embezzlement, the Investigative Committee’s press service reports Tuesday.

According to investigators, Manayev has told his client misleading information that her case would be considered under a special procedure. He also told the woman that she would receive suspended sentence. He received 5 million rubles ($73,200), a half of the stipulated sum, from the client for his alleged services.

The defendant was arrested when receiving the money. Manayev pleaded guilty, the statement reads.

Earlier, the Moscow Regional Court removed Manayev from participation in the GTA Gang case. Manayev was the lawyer for one of the defendants Umar Khasanov.

In August, Khasanov was sentenced to life in prison. The sentenced three more gang members to life, another one received a 20-year prison term. The court also recovered nearly 2 million rubles (about $30,000) from the defendants. Five GTA Gang case defendants were found guilty of robberies and murders.

Russian media called the perpetrators of murders in the Moscow Region and M-4 Don highway a GTA gang as a reference to the popular videogame.