MOSCOW, December 30 (RAPSI) – A temporary manager of Metrostroy has filed an application with the Commercial Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Regiona seeking to collect about 288 million rubles (about $4 milllion) from a co-owner and ex-CEO of the company Nikolay Aleksandrov, according to the records of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information.
The applicant also seeks to recover over 4.7 billion rubles (about $64 million) from another ex-CEO of the company Vadim Aleksandrov.
In April, the Dzerzhinsky District Court in St. Petersburg ordered seizure of assets belonging to Nikolay Aleksandrov, who is a detaineddefendant in three criminal cases.
According to case papers, Aleksandrov ensured conclusion of an assignment contract between Metrostroy and company Ziklon KZS on disadvantageous terms whereby a total 730-million-ruble debt of Metroparking company to be transferred to Ziklon KZD with a 70% fall-back price determined by Aleksandrov.
As a result, Metrostroy has lost the right to demand the debt and assets of Metroparking. Aleksandrov and other unidentiftied persons have intended to appropriate a 30% gap from the debt repayment, the statement of the press service reads.
Metroparking is an owner of one of the St. Petersburg sports clubs, investor in a hockey stadium and a 7-storey business center with a near-by underground parking; however, the fuds have been actually invested in the construction by Metrostroy.
Earlier, Aleksandrov was charged with fictitious purchase of nonmetallic minerals in the amount of 178 million rubles, the new charges concern fictitious purchase of cable products.
The defendants in the case of fictitious purchase of nonmetallic minerals alongside Aleksandrov are CEO of a company contracted to supply Metrostroy with materials it needed and the head of a Metrostroy department responsible for procurement of construction materials and equipment.
Investigators believe that in late 2017 Aleksandrov and two other defendants made a fictitious contract for supply of nonmetallic minerals; although Metrostroy paid the sum indicated in the contract, no materials were supplied.There are no other defendants in the case of fictitious purchase of cable products as yet; however, the fraud scheme is the same, according to investigators.
Aleksandrov pleads not guilty and refuses to testify in the case.