MOSCOW, April 14 (RAPSI) – The State Duma has approved a bill permitting regional authorities to suspend charging of resort fees amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a statement on the official website of the lower house of Russia’s parliament.

The regional authorities charging the fee are to have the right to suspend the tax in all or certain municipalities taking part in the experiment.

The subjects of the Russian Federation are to determine the terms of the respective moratorium at their discretion.

The tight economic and epidemiological situation prevents resorts to get visitors at their full capacity this tourist season, the explanatory note to the bill reads. Therefore, the cost of administration of the tax may exceed the collected funds, the authors of the bill observe.

Earlier, the issue of suspension of the resort fee was in the jurisdiction of municipalities, which spent the collected sums for resort infrastructure development; according to the amended law no consent on the part of respective local governments is required as to this measure.