MOSCOW, January 20 (RAPSI) - A New York court has postponed the verdict for Igor Belyansky, a defendant in the criminal case on bribing a member of the local legislative council, until February 6. Belyansky sought support in opening an adult day care center, according to the investigation.
Igor Belyansky and his business partners, Rostislav Belyansky, Igor Tsimerman and David Binman, are charged with bribing lawmaker Eric Stevenson who is also a defendant in a bribe-taking case. For a reward of $20,000, Stevenson promised to help Belyansky and his partners open an adult day care center in New York.
In exchange, Stevenson is accused not only of helping them secure an occupancy permit and expedite the installation of a gas line, but also of drafting legislation temporarily blocking other adult day care centers from opening in the area according to Bharara’s office.
The defendants also tried to enlist support of former member of the legislative council Nelson Castro, who reported the incident to the US officials.
According to US attorney Preeta Bharara, Belyansky pledged guilty of conspiring to bribe Stevenson and Castro. The attorney said the defendant was solely interested in promoting his business through the support of the legislator.
Belyansky originally faced up to 25 years in prison, but under his plea deal, this could be reduced to as little as 30 months, according to the Daily News. The newspaper also reported that Belyansky’s Russian business partners are also expected to make plea deals.
Stevenson faces up to 55 years in prison on fraud, bribery and extortion charges.