MOSCOW, August 18 (RAPSI, Diana Gutsul) - The Kirovsky District Court of St. Petersburg on Tuesday found invalid a Supervision of Consumer Protection and Welfare resolution that determined the status of an HIV positive Ukrainian national’s stay in Russia as undesirable due to his condition, attorney Vitaly Cherkasov told RAPSI.
“Today, the court reviewed its own judgment after a Constitutional Court resolution. My client was one of the claimants and his claim was upheld at the Constitutional Court. The court found certain provisions of the Federal Law on Entry and Exit to Russia as anti-constitutional. He has a family in Russia. His wife is HIV negative and seven months pregnant. They are expecting a healthy baby. Also, he could not return to Ukraine due to a serious threat to his life. He is subject to the draft there and could be sent to the military conflict area,” the lawyer explained.
In mid-March, the Constitutional Court ruled that HIV must not be a cause of deportation from Russia and ruled against the deportation of HIV positive foreigners who have families in Russia, Cherkasov said.