MOSCOW, May 23 (RAPSI) – The Supreme Court of Russia has upheld the ruing of the Russian Ministry of Justice, banning transfer of parcels containing books and press, to people who are placed in detention, RAPSI learned in the court on Monday.
Evgeniy Ermochenkov, who is currently in detention, filed an appeal with the Supreme Court, claiming that Minsitry’s rules regarding transfer of books unlawful. According to current rules, people in detention have a right to read literature and press only if said literary products belong to detention center’s library or were bought by the center’s administration.
Ermochenkov claimed that these rules restrict a person from mass media and literature, measures that allegedly violate the Constitution and Federal legislation.
Representative of the Ministry, Igor Tsaplin asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit. He argued that legislation allows restricting rights of people in detention. He also said that the rules in question do not violate the rights of detainees because detention centers are subscribed to newspapers and journals and also have radio receivers and sometimes the TV sets as well.