MOSCOW, September 22 (RAPSI, Lyudmila Klenko) – Disbbarred Russian attorney Igor Trunov told journalists during a news conference on Thursday that he would turn to the Supreme Court requesting to define the scope of the Professional Ethics Code’s operation.
Trunov said that he is going to apply to the Supreme Court because the Code of Professional Ethics went beyond the law. The Code is aimed to review advocacy within a framework of attorneys’ professional occupation but not their public activity, he added.
It was reported on Wednesday that the Moscow Regional Bar Association’s Counsel had ruled to disbar Trunov.
The lawyer viewed the decision as strange and unexpected because the Association had recognized his public activity as a disciplinary case. “I have spoken at a news conference about problems existing in the society, specifically about corruption in the bar. This particular speech at a public venue was declared a disciplinary case by the Counsel on the base of the Professional Code of Conduct. But the Code has never regulated public activities. That’s why I think, this decision has a political component,” Trunov said.
Igor Trunov has represented victims in several high-profile matters including the case over Airbus A321 plane crash in Egypt and 2011 Domodedovo terror attack case. He would not be entitled no longer to participate in these cases as victims’ attorney.