MOSCOW, May 16 (RAPSI, Nikita Shiryayev) – The Moscow District Military Court on Wednesday sentenced four men to prison terms ranging from 15 to 18 years for plotting a terror attack in Moscow, RAPSI reported from the courtroom.
Viktor Fedorovich received 18 years, Khismatulla Naimov and Tamerlan Tsechoyev were sentenced 16 years each, Abror Khaidarov was given 15 years. They were found guilty of preparing a terrorist act, ammunition trafficking and illegal production of explosives.
A prosecutor on Monday demanded prison terms varying from 16 to 18 years for the defendants.
According to investigators, the defendants are members of a terrorist group which planned to commit terror attacks in Moscow by the order of leaders of the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia.
Naimov and Fedorovich have pleaded guilty to all charges, Tsechoyev has pleaded guilty only to storage and sale of arms.