The Russian Legal Information Agency website holds a live webcast from the International Legal Conference “Law and Modernization: Experience, Prospects, and Trends.” Over 300 experts from leading Russian and international law firms and organizations participate in the event, which takes place at RIA Novosti’s International Multimedia Press Center on December 1-2, 2011.
Supreme Court Chairman Vyacheslav Lebedev, Audit Chamber Chairman Sergei Stepashin, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia Igor Manylov and President of the Federal Chamber of Defense Lawyers of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Semenyako open the conference.
The event is organized by the Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI/ and RIA Novosti, with the support of the Russian Bar Association and the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program.
The conference's primary objective is to create a forum to launch a dialogue between the many parties affected by the legal sector, such as lawyers, economists, scholars and businessmen. Among the invitees are leading legal experts from the Justice Ministry, international law firms, business associations and legal publications.
Members of the conference discuss pressing legal issues in the global social, economic and political context. Priority issues of discussion include legal business development and management, legal practice models, government policy measures to modernize the legal system and the activities of legal market players.