MOSCOW, June 25 (RAPSI) – Russia’s child rights commissioner Anna Kuznetsova has asked the Investigative Committee’s Chair Alexander Bastrykin to direct the law enforcement bodies’ attention to the observance of rights of children living in orphan homes, the ombudsman’s press service has told RAPSI.
According to Kuznetsova, there is lack of information about this point because children in ward will not write about violation of their rights on social networks as well as other people will not write about them. Such institutions as orphanage are sheltered, the press service quotes the ombudsman as having said during a teleconference with investigative bodies’ employees responsible for the work with child welfare institutions under their patronage.
The ombudsman’s office has recently checked children’s residential facilities. Lots of violations have been detected, Kuznetsova has noted. According to the child rights commissioners, the revealed violations among others include infringement of property rights and rights to medical care.
In late May, Kuznetsova asked President Vladimir Putin to instruct the government to reform orphanage system in Russia. There are over 100 orphan homes with 13,000 children living there, she told the President.