MOSCOW, December 15 - RAPSI, Natalia Belova. A court has suspended the hearing of a lawsuit filed by the PRIME news agency against the Moscow government for concealing 14,000 legal documents, the court told the Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI/

Founded in 1996, PRIME went by the name "Prime-TASS" until June 6.

The claimant has asked the court to recognize as illegal the Moscow government's refusal to allow legal documents to be published.

The Moscow Commercial Court dismissed the lawsuit on July 14 at the Moscow government's request, as a trial court had already started to hear a similar suit filed by the news agency against the Moscow authorities. A Moscow district court held against the suit in November 2010.

The case has been postponed until the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and a Moscow district court pass their judgments.

The company earlier sought to declare as illegal the Moscow government's decision to limit access to information about its activities by classifying 14,569 decrees and orders issued by the Moscow mayor and the city government.

The Moscow government said the claimant failed to prove that its activities damaged the news agency's rights and interests. The defendant also maintains that the statute of limitations has expired.