MOSCOW, July 12 (RAPSI) – The Moscow District Military Court on Friday sentenced seven members of the Islamic State terrorist organization (ISIS) banned in Russia to prison terms ranging from 15 to 21 years for plotting a Sapsan high-speed train accident, RAPSI reported from the courtroom.
According to the court’s ruling, the men were found guilty of the organized preparing a terrorist attack, participating in a terrorist group and illegal arms trafficking.
Investigators and the court found that seven natives of Tajikistan being ISIS members drafted a plan of a terrorist attack to crash a Sapsan high-speed train in 2017. On July 2017, they set up a construction on a railway track designed to trigger the accident. However, the train did not jump the rails, but train carriages cracked up. Damage caused was estimated at 55 million rubles (about $1 million).
The Islamic State, an organization which is prohibited in Russia, is currently one of the major threats to global security. Over three years, these terrorists have managed to seize large areas of Iraq and Syria. The organization is also attempting to spread its influence on North Africa – particularly, Libya. The area controlled by ISIS covers up to 90,000 square kilometers.