MOSCOW, December 25 – RAPSI. MP Alexander Ageyev is drafting a bill allowing bailiffs in Russia to carry guns, Izvestia daily reported.

“There were 244 potentially life threatening attacks committed against bailiffs in the first ten months of 2012,” Ageyev said, justifying why bailiffs should be entitled to carry weapons.

Currently, bailiffs are entitled to carry guns only being on duty in courts.

Ageyev said it’s time to revise the status and authorities of the Federal Bailiffs Service. “The Federal Bailiffs Service is part of the Justice Ministry. As soon as it is officially made a law enforcement authority, it will become independent,” Ageyev said.

However, human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov fears that such a revision may result in abuses of office.

The Federal Bailiffs Service was set up in 1997. Officially, it still only ensures the smooth running of the courts. However, in recent years the service’s duties have been significantly increased. The service now holds certain responsibilities that previously were the remit of the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Federal Migration Service and other federal agencies.